- 150.K. Nötzold, A. Uphues, R. Wegener and S. Soter, "Highly integrated inverter with multiturn encoder and software-based PFC for low cost applications" in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2010, pp. 764--768.
Motor control gets more and more common in fields where it was not applicable a few years ago. The prizes for computing power due to higher integration of the power electronics are going down. Because of this, brush-less DC and permanent magnet synchronous machines capture new markets and replace simple grid connected induction machines. The rising standards for electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions make a power factor correction (PFC) in a lot of applications necessary. In addition a PFC offers some advantages because of the DC bus regulation. In this paper an inverter with a particularly low prize and a high performance is presented. A software based PFC is integrated into the motor control circuit and a low cost absolute position encoder has been developed. In addition some synergetic effect between motor control and PFC will be shown. The experimental results show the feasibility of the integration of a field orientated control with an integrated PFC in one low cost microcontroller. - 149.T. Boller, R. Kennel and J. Holtz, "Increased power capability of standard drive inverters by sequential switching" in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2010, pp. 769--774.
This paper presents a new approach for increasing the power capability of standard two level voltage source inverters while increasing the effective PWM frequency by sequential switching of parallel connected inverters. The improved power capability and increased PWM frequency is used for an electrical test bench to test drive inverters under real power conditions. Thereby the parallel connected inverters of the test bench can be of the same type as the inverter under test. Hence there exists no power limit for drive inverter testing with respect to the product range of the manufacturer. - 148.S. Gruber, C. Junge, R. Wegener and S. Soter, "Reduction of detent force caused by the end effect of a high thrust tubular PMLSM using a genetic algorithm and FEM" in IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010, pp. 968--973.
ISBN: 1553-572X
In order to meet industrial safety standards in eccentric presses, the detent force of the acting high force tubular permanent magnet linear synchronous machines (PMLSM) should be reduced. The detent force is caused by two components: the slot effect and the end effect. Both effects are based on the reluctance change between permanent magnet (PM) and stator teeth. The slot effect is already optimized by the closing slot technique which is proven by measurements presented in this paper. The main topic is the reduction of detent force by using auxiliary poles at the end of the machine. Therefore a special genetic algorithm (GA) is developed which rates the simulation results of the FEM and produces new auxiliary poles. The combined simulation tries to find an optimal size and position for auxiliary poles to reduce the whole detent force. The numerical calculations propose a minimized detent force caused by the located poles, which is independent from the length of the machines (2, 3 or 5 modules). - 147.C. Junge, J. Gallep, R. Wegener and S. Soter, "Simulation and verification of an eccentric press system actuated by hyraulic-clutch-brake-combination controlled by a linear drive" in 2010 IEEE Region 8 International Conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (SIBIRCON), 2010, pp. 800--805.
This paper deals with a Matlab/Simulink-Simulation of an eccentric press with an hydraulic Clutch-Brake-Combination (CBC) and the verification on a standard moulding press. The outstanding characteristic of this system is the special control of the CBC. A servo converter controlled linear drive with an integrated hydraulic cylinder generates the pressure for the CBC. A developed pressure control is able to control the torque of the CBC and therefore the acceleration and deceleration of the powertrain. The simulation has been made to predict the behavior of the controlled CBC in an eccentric press. The simulation results are finally compared with the measurements at the real system. - 146.C. Junge, S. Gruber, F. Budschun and S. Soter, "System analysis and optimization of a pressure control for a hydraulic-Clutch-Brake-Combination actuated with a linear drive" in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2010, pp. 427--432.
This paper deals with the analysis of an electro-hydraulic system and conception of a pressure control. The controlled system consists of a permanet magnet linear actuator, a hydraulic pressure line and a Clutch-Break-Combination (CBC). The linear actuator generates a force which causes the pressure in the hydraulic line. Depending on the system-pressure, the Clutch-Brake-Combination brakes or clutches with a different torque. Because of the integrated prestressed springs of the CBC, the controlled system is very nonlinear. In addition there are different disturbances, which makes it hardly controllable. The linear actuator is driven with a standard inverter. - 145.A. Bartsch, S. Gruber, R. Wegener and S. Soter, "Testbench for electrical drive systems in hybrid applications" in 2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2010, pp. 1136--1140.
This paper deals with the development of a test bench for mild hybrid drives used in construction machines. Due to the special conditions under which construction machines are operating this test bench needs to be adapted. Hence the bearing of the electrical drive, which is mounted directly to the internal combustion engine, the temperature control by a cooling circuit and the integration of an appropriate inverter as well as an electrical drive to complete the system are defining the specific requirements of the test bench. These circumstances also affect the measurements and have to be considered during the evaluation of the results. - 144.F. Senicar, C. Junge, S. Gruber and S. Soter, "Zero sequence current elimination for dual-inverter fed machines with open-end windings" in IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010, pp. 853--856.
ISBN: 1553-572X
A dual-inverter allows to increase easily the maximum available power of a given inverter. When connecting two equal inverters to a machine with open end windings, the available power will raise by factor $\surd$3. However, the dual inverter also introduces a new degree of freedom for the current, which is the zero component current. The dual inverter is known for developing zero component currents, which have three times the frequency of the fundamental current, and can be of a rather large amplitude. This paper analyses the origin of these zero component currents and shows an example of how to eliminate them. Moreover it shows the possibility to suppress zero component currents by using only software algorithms modifying the current control loop. There is no need for extra components. Moreover there are no drawbacks in the quality of control as well as regarding the maximum available voltage. - 143.J. A. Pontt, J. R. Rodriguez, A. Liendo, P. Newman, J. Holtz and J. M. San Martin, "Network-Friendly Low-Switching-Frequency Multipulse High-Power Three-Level PWM Rectifier", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1254--1262, 2009.
High-power converters for regenerative drives and distributed generation need a network-friendly operation, low harmonic conductive electromagnetic emission for low electromagnetic interference and high electromagnetic compatibility reaching high reliability and performance. Nevertheless, the converters must be controlled with low switching frequency in order to reduce the commutation losses. These two requirements can be satisfied if an optimal modulation strategy is used. The selective harmonic elimination (SHE) is one of the low-switching-frequency strategies most used today. However, this strategy only eliminates a reduced set of harmonic components from the input current. This paper presents a novel optimal modulation strategy whose objective is to reduce the total harmonic distortion of the input current. Six- and twelve-pulse three-level neutral-pointclamped pulsewidth modulation rectifiers are used in order to implement both modulation techniques. The results confirm the advantages of the proposed strategy, namely, less input current distortion and remarkable reduction of higher order harmonics compared with the SHE method, while keeping a low-switching behavior. - 142.R. Wegener, S. Gruber and S. Soter, "Development of a low cost embedded diagnosis system for servo controlled drives including data mining technologies" in 2009 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2009, pp. 373--377.
This paper deals with an embedded diagnosis device which improves the reliability of a machine including servo controlled drives by monitoring the system parameters and detecting abnormalities and creeping changes. The detection algorithm is based on data mining technologies, well known in business administration. The presented system consists of a low cost processor board with an SD-card slot for data storage and a field bus connection and is completely independent of the main machine control. The additional benefits are online monitoring possibilities and the storage of the process variables in a high efficient way during the complete lifetime of the machine. - 141.S. Gruber, C. Junge, F. Senicar and S. Soter, "Optimization of a high force tubular linear drive concept with discrete wound coils to fulfill safety standards in industrial applications" in 2009 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009, pp. 2431--2435.
This paper deals with the next step of development of a tubular permanent magnet linear drive concept for industrial applications up to 3000 N thrust force where low cogging forces are required to fulfill safety standards. The presented linear drive concept is designed for easy production and assembly of a few hundred units per year. It can be manufactured on standard production machines because all ferromagnetic parts are made of standard not-laminated steel. This results in a very economic product. Further more the drive concept includes an internal low cost position sensor based on the hall-effect. The different steps of development are proven by measurements of thrust and cogging forces of different prototypes.