Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe

Power Electronics

Lecture content

  • Power supplies

  • Semiconductor Switches

  • Application of semiconductor switches

  • Mains-operated power converters

  • Self-guided power converters

  • PWM method

  • Line side converters

More information about the event

Scope: 5 SWS / 6 LP
Lecturer: Professor Stefan Soter
Frequency: summer semester
Form of examination: oral


Knowledge from the modules electronic components, fundamentals of electrical engineering I, II and III is expected.


The students know the structure and switching behavior of power semiconductors and their function. Furthermore, the students have a comprehensive basic knowledge, which includes the main areas of application of power electronics such as rectification, alternating rectification, conversion and the associated control and regulation. The students are thus able to develop and dimension basic power electronic circuits.

Up-to-date information on event dates, rooms and lecture materials can be found on the learning platform Moodle