Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe

Controlled electric drives

Lecture content

  • Introduction to electrical drive technology, DC machine, asynchronous machine, permanently excited synchronous machine, linear actuator, applications.

  • Introduction to control engineering, properties and modeling of controlled systems, controller types, design of control loops, digital control

  • Control of drives, pulse-width modulation, cascade control (current, speed and position control), control of DC drives, control of AC drives

  • Special control methods, field-oriented control of AC machines, field-weakening operation, pilot control method

  • Sensorless control methods, state observer, Kalman filter, injection method

More information about the event

Scope: 3 V / 2ÜP = 6 LP
Lecturer: Professor Stefan Soter
Frequency: summer semester
Form of examination: written


Knowledge of Mathematics A, B, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I and II modules is expected.


Students will know the special aspects of power engineering, measurement and sensor technology and control by microcontrollers and digital signal processors. The students have practical experience with modern measuring instruments and basic knowledge of measurement and control technology for applications in industry.

Current information on event dates, rooms and lecture materials can be found on the learning platform Moodle