Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering III

Lecture content

  • Maxwell equations and their application

  • Direct current machines

  • Polyphase systems

  • Rectifiers and basic circuits

  • Transformers and transformers

  • Asynchronous machines

  • Synchronous machines

More information about the event

Scope: 4 V / 2 Ü / 2 P = 8 LP
Lecturer: Professor Stefan Soter
Frequency: winter semester
Form of examination: written


Knowledge of Mathematics A and B and Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I and II modules is expected.


Students will master the fundamentals of electric and magnetic fields and have an understanding of the behavior of non-concentrated devices in DC, AC, and three-phase applications. Students will have a basic understanding of electrical engineering problems and the ability to mathematically model physical processes.

Up-to-date information on event dates, rooms and lecture materials can be found on the learning platform Moodle