The following excursions were organized by the chair:
7th excursion wind turbines
03.10.-10.10.2015 Excursion: Denmark
6th excursion wind turbines
28.09.-05.10.2013 Excursion: Denmark
5th excursion wind turbines
11-12.04.2012 Excursion: Aurich / Wilhelmshaven
4th excursion wind turbines
28-29.05.2010 Excursion: Aurich / Wilhelmshaven
3rd excursion wind turbines
3-10.10.2009 Excursion: Denmark
2nd excursion wind turbines
25-26.03.2009 Excursion: Aurich / Wilhelmshaven
1st excursion wind turbines
31.10.2008 Mini excursion: Wind power plant in Unna
Pictures are available for the participants of the excursions (Info via MOODLE2).