Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. Stefan Soter

Contact us:

Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21

42119 Wuppertal

Room: FH.01.07


+49 202 439 1950

For requests please contact my Secretary

Personal career

  • 10/1984 to 11/1989 University of Bochum; Degree: Dipl.-Ing. Electrical Engineering

  • 01/1990 to 04/1996 Distance University Hagen Institute Solatec (Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Hackstein)

  • 01/1994 Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) in Electrical Engineering

  • Topic of the dissertation: "System technology for photovoltaically fed asynchronous machines for driving water pumps".

  • 05/1996 to 03/2007 Technical University of Dortmund (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. S. Kulig) Chair of Electrical Drives and Mechatronics, formerly Chair of Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Electronics

  • scientific assistant, senior engineer (from 07/1997), academic councilor (from 03/2001), academic senior councilor (from 03/2004)

  • since 04/2007 freelance manager of industrial projects in cooperation with the University of Wuppertal, Chair of Electrical Machines and Drives, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel

  • 04/2005 Offer of the W3 deputy professorship "Power Electronics" of the Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg

  • from 10/2008 Lectureship at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (RWTH) (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. dr hab. Kay Hameyer) Institute for Electrical Machines. Lecture title: Design and grid operation of wind turbines

  • 10/2008 to 02/2010 W3-professorship for "Electrical Machines and Drives" at the University of Wuppertal, Germany

  • from 03/2010 W3-Professorship for "Electrical Machines and Drives" of the University of Wuppertal



S. Soter and F. Bertling, "Adjustable converter for injection of fuel cell power as a part of a virtual power plant" in PESC04, Piscataway, N.J: IEEE, 2004, pp. 1988-1990 Vol.3.

This research project deals with the development of a solid, intelligent converter with a good value. The energy of fuel cells or other low-voltage energy-sources (40 to 80 VDC) is feeded decentral into the public net (230 VAC/50 Hz or 110 VAC/60 Hz). Because of the requirements of the serial product (e.g. low price, reliability, range of use) a prototype of a converter with high frequency transformer was built. The latest electronic devices and a digital signal processor as central controller have been applied to achieve high efficiency and flexible power injection. It is possible to obtain improvements of the local voltage quality and stability by adjusting active and reactive power as well as power factor and current shape.
R. Lach, S. Soter and R. Wegener, "Experimental determination of systemeigenfrequencies on electrical drives" in 11th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Riga: {Riga Technical University}, 2004.

ISBN: 9984320588

R. Lach and S. Soter, "Individual Approach to an Efficient Minimization of Vibration an Noise Stimulation for Inverter-Fed Drives" in PCIM Asia 2004, 2004.
R. Lach and S. Soter, "Sound source location measuring system for a systematic design modification of electrical machines" in PCIM Europe, 2004.
S. Soter and R. Lach, "Von der Sonne zur eigenen Photovaltaik-Anlage: Verbraucher-Informationen im Internet" in 19. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 2004.
S. Soter and R. Lach, "Noise minimization of three-phase current machines by variation and modification of control scheme and power electronics" in PCIM Europe, 2002.
S. Soter, S. Buchhold and R. Lach, "Niederspannungswechselrichter mit hohem Wirkungsgrad" in 17. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, 2002.
S. Soter and S. Buchhold, "Converter for Mains Supply - Low-Priced and Intelligent" in 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Dubrovnik, 2002.
S. Soter and S. Buchhold, "Low Voltage Converter for Feeding the Net with Fuel Cell Power" in PCIM Asia 2002, 2002.
S. Soter and S. Buchhold, "Adaptable inverter for injection of fuel cell and photovoltaic power" in Proceedings of the Power Conversion Conference-Osaka 2002 (Cat. No.02TH8579), 2002, pp. 1453-1455 vol.3.

Due to environmental conditions it is becoming more and more important to apply renewable energies and efficient technologies. For power injection of photovoltaic and fuel cell energy an inverter is needed. The presented modular and flexible prototype works with different energy sources such as photovoltaic, fuel cell and battery. It is possible to adjust active and reactive power as well as current shape separately within limits to improve power quality. The power electronics works very well and is able to convert 20 to 80 VDC into 110 VAC/60 Hz or 230 VAC/50 Hz with a high flexibility and efficiency.

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