Lehrstuhl für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebe


The following equipment is available for research, teaching and industrial partners:

  • Machine test benches with extensive measuring shafts and load machines up to 200kW, air-conditioned and soundproofed.
  • 10kV power supply with 2x 2.5 megawatt transformers on 400V and 690V.
  • Machine converter for three-phase current with variable voltage and frequency.
  • Machine converter for direct current.
  • Battery simulator and DC supply with 1000V and 800A.
  • Several photovoltaic simulators with 10kW each.
  • Workstations for the assembly of printed circuit boards with extensive component magazine and diverse tools.
  • Climate chamber with temperature and humidity control.
  • Powerful water cooling system with a wide range of connection options.
  • Laboratory for tests on electric vehicles.
  • 3D printing technology for rapid prototyping.
  • Extensive operating resources, tools and connection to a fully equipped mechanical workshop.
Large laboratory with 2t crane